im 14 and i took a ADHD online quiz and i scored a 99% for Adult ADHD...


Apr 19, 2008
...positive.Should i get prescribed vyvanse? I've had thoughts of it but i really kinda thought that it couldn't happen to me, but lately i've really had trouble in classes, and i answered the quiz as honestly as possible. My friend said i should get Vyvanse prescribed to me. Are the pills worth the money? Or should i just try and ignore it?
you shouldn't trust websites with medical issues. only doctors can help you and tell you whats wrong.
Online quizzes are usually just for fun. If anyone is going to diagnose you with anything it should be a trained medical professional. ANYONE can make an online quiz, and they can make it say whatever they want it to. If you are concerned ask a Dr.
no you should go see an actual doctor, and let them diagnose you, they will no whether or not to get you pills.
Even if you do have it, taking medication might not be a good idea, depending on your health and such, only a doctor will be able to tell you this