im 14 and i have some nutrition questions?


New member
Jul 30, 2008
tomorrow i am going on a trip and the trip goes from 10am-6pm
we are not allowed to bring any type of food besides candy.
would itbe ok if i ate only candy for lunch and snacks through out the day but didnt exceed 400 calories worth?

i would eat an egg white and some vegetables for breakfast
then i would eat 400 calories worth of candy throughout the day.
and then i would eat dinner when i got home (probably tilapia and a baked potato because thats what my mom is cooking)
will i gain alot of weight by doing this because the candy calories are taking the place of the food calories i would eat if i ate a normal lunch and snacks.
is this ok?

also, are artificial sweeteners bad for you? ive been drinking ALOT of diet coke lately because it fixes a sweet craving without any calories, but im only 14, can it cause brain damage or anything?
and does anyone know of any gum without aritificial sweeteners =/
thankss. answers to any of the previous questions would be great!
well as my dad always says "as long as you dont eat it everyday it's fine". but then again my dad isnt exactly "skinny". but i think just once cant hurt. but like the day after the trip do something involving exercise like running, swimming laps, sports or something and you'll be fine. and i havent heard any brain damage from diet sodas but i have heard they are just as unhealthy as real soda because of the artificial sweeteners. and idk about gum without artificial sweeteners. but i like trident cuz its supposedly better for your teeth. :) hope i helped!
Depending on the kind of candy you eat, it won't fill you up, so you'll still be hungry after eating the candy calories.

If you HAVE to eat candy, go for the ones that also have protein (which would usually be in the form of nuts). Protein keeps you fuller longer than just sugar does. If you can get a nut roll, that'd be a great option.

One day won't kill your nutrition.