im 13 and i used to smoke 1 -3 cigarettes a day and havent grown much since...


Jun 1, 2008
...could this have stunted my growth? i was smoking because of depression ive had alot of problems with social services recently ANSWERS PLZ
i only did this for a few months i might just be paranoid but i would like an answer
Don't smoke kid. There is no reason someone as young as you should smoke again. It probably didn't effect your growth because you didn't smoke that much. If my parents caught me at 13 they might have cut off my hands.
it could have but i don't thing so ur still a little kid and you have attest 5 years to grow
no such a low level of smoking would not have stunted your growth, when I was 12 I fell in with the wrong girls and started smoking and smoked right up until I was 18 and I grew normally xx
no, dont worry about it kid :) Im almost 19 & have been smoking since I was your age, & when I was about 15 I wondered the same thing. But I grew up just fine & so will you :)