Im 12 and want to travel advise will help?


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Okay im a 12 year old girl i want to travel but my family is fairly poor and was wondering when and how i could travel here are the facts
Im only 12 and have no money
I would love to go to england
I would work for money
No one in my family knows i want to travel
My sister wants to travel and may bee soon
Im in australia
I was wondering how i could do that and what would be the youngest age i could do that
and how i could get money and tell my mum i want to travel
I really want to explore any advise will be greatly appreciated
Here's the facts
you're 12 years old
you should be in school
your not old enough to work
therefore your not old enough to travel

don't get me wrong i don't mean to sound nasty or anything but your just to young to go off to another country on your own. once your old enough to start working you can start earning and saving up your money. then when you have enough money and your mature enough you can think about travelling.
At your age, it would be fairly difficult to travel by yourself (If that is what you are planning)

There are heaps of complications like Visa's, passports, plane tickets, bookings... Ach, it's complicated.

Even if a parent does that, it can be rather difficult being by yourself without someone to help you.
It is very complicated, but tell your mother you want to travel, she may be able to guide you and help you.

Edit - The first answer has a good idea, try the foreign exchange program at school. Ask at your school if thats possible. Usually not available at primary school, but try at highschool