If you were trying to make a new classic American meal/dish, would you...


May 22, 2008
...try to use only foods native to America? If you were trying make the next really famous classic American food, would you try to use foods that grow in the wild or were at least grown by native Americans, or would you not really care if a specific ingredient is considered "Mediterranean" or wherever it is from and use it anyways.

Sorry for posting this in R&S. I've posted it in two more suitable categories and have had zero answers. There's always some helpful people in R&S. :)
I'd try to use ingredients that were local and common, but there is a lot that's local and common and not native. (Chicken, for example)
No. America is a melting pot of cultures. So truly something with mixed influences would be more American than something that only came from native herbs and animals.

I don't know of very many foods that are strictly American. However, I do know of foods that definitely represent my hometown, such as cheese curds.
I think I'd try to take the current American classics, and extrapolate from there. I think I might at least stick with spices that are grown in the Americas... but I'm no cook, so that's about as far as I can take it :)