If you started your own church, cult, religion, or just group, what would it be like?


New member
Oct 7, 2008
Well, unfortuantely, while many churches do accept homosexualtiy, no, every state does not have to legalize gay marriage. Its voted on by the state
I am actually shocked that no one thinks they can do a better job, for all the complaining.
Now theres more answers.
i have my own thing going.
one that no god exists or anything.
when i die, I KNOW that all my molecules will be recycled forever! i'll be a tree, part of millions of other people, i'll be part of a house, part of the sky, part of all of nature. this is why i do not fear death. plus its a thing that doesn't require faith, because we can definitely prove this, and people can't really deny it.
Well, I've been toying with the idea that the collective consciousness of bacteria is behind Intelligent Design. "Higher" life forms were "evolved" by "primitive" bacteria in order to serve as housing, transportation and food sources. If I received divine revelation to this effect from the collective itself, I suppose I could start the Church of the Divine Bacterium.
It would be too much like secular humanism, so it'd be kind of boring. But I'd bring in elements of Audrey Lourde's theories on eroticism and then it would be pretty cool.
Would be a place where all who believed that there was more to god than sacrifice and that God doesn't want us to bow down to him and think he is perfect. In this place all man would be free to believe in themselves and not feel domed because they couldn't get to heaven because there not perfect.
I'd make it much like my messed up family. Insult each other all you like, maybe some fistfights, but when anyone does something truly bad, watch the hell out.
There would be a lot of talking, debating, and everyone's (educated) opinions would be welcome.
Going into detail would make me sad, since I pretty much have none of that right now.
Like that of the ancient Egyptians. Forgotten are the ways of respecting all life which they taught and taking care of each other, much as the Pharaoh took care of his peoples......