If you open your door to a person and point a replica handgun at them- are you...


May 18, 2008
...committing a crime? I've just had an incident involving some people that I had problems with a few years ago and last time I went to their address: when I knocked on the door (I was angry) I was answered by a man pointing a gun at me, within minutes he was telling me it wasn't real and was only a replica (there was something starnge about the way he did this) and started showing me his collection of replica's - this was very odd and at the time felt like he was trying to divert my attention from the fact that the gun may have been real- he still had me under what felt like threat all of the time.

I believe he is or was part of our justice system and now this second incdent has occurred - and his son gets away with a caution for telling me he's got a stanley knife and he's going to cut my throat- I feel I could be right. Not only did he do this but he also admitted driving the van which had committed dangerous driving and was then used as a weapon and driven straight at me- yet he gets away with a caution.

All of this denotes in my mind that those administering law may be above the actual laws themselves.

Is it considered as the same offence to point a replica at someone as it is to point a real gun- because the victim will be just as scared as he doesn't know the difference?