If you met George W. Bush... What would you do?

i would ask him why he ruined a great country and got the entire world mad at the united states
smile, shake his hand, get a picture with him, thank him. i'm not rude.
I would shake his hand and say hello....
I may hate the guy but I still respect myself. THen of course I would have a short discussion and leave.
Smile, shake his hand, tell him it's an honor. ( He is the president. Americans should respect that.)
nothing, like he would actually listen to anything anyone said to him.
Ask him if he has to pay for his meals in the whitehouse and does he order Dominoes Pizza.
Thank him for making the hard decisions to help protect my children and potentially, my children's children. Tell him I understand that I the US is better to fight the war on Terror overseas than in our streets.
Shake his hand and say, "Hello, Mr. President".

Then I would apologize for what many others who have just met him did to him. And tell him all Americans are not so crass and disrespectful.