if you had to name your children after celebrities what would you name them?

Good heavens, not after any contemporary celebrities, I don't think. Although I do like the name Reese.

Let's see ...
Vivian (Vivian Leigh)
Sean (Sean Connery)
Gregory (Gregory Peck)
Greer is kind of a cool name (Greer Garson, and also what Brooke Shields named her daughter) Plus, it's a family name in my family.
I like Melody as in Melody from the pussycat dolls but not because of the person, just because i love that name! And i like Harlow, nicole ritchies daughter.

So... Harlow and Melody x
River or Joaquin Pheonix
Soledad O'Brian
Demetria (Demi Moore)

...as you can see, my child will be teased alot in school but SHE will have a cool name :)
I would name my girl after Jada Pinkett-Smith. I am not saying she is perfect but she is a better role model than most of the ones you listed up there. An maybe my son after her husband Will.
George - I love George Clooney, but it's also the name of my grandfather and one of my uncles

Nicole - I've always loved the name, even though I'm not a fan of Nicole Kidman