If you had to chose a religion to pick what would it be?


Feb 23, 2008
Here are the choices you can pick: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism. What would you choose. You cannot say Christianity either!

Study for class research
I am not saying Christianity because I am a christian and its for a class essay. Dont worry everyone!!
Class research says you can't pick Christianity huh? I wonder why. Probably cause there are so many different denominations. Well, I would pick none. I don't have a denomination but I am a Christian. I follow Christ. No one can change that but Christ Himself.
Why can't I say Christianity? That's pretty discriminatory in my view.

My choice would be Jesus, not religion. Just my view.
I would choose the religion that offers the widest range of interpretations so that I can live exactly as I do now while cherry picking from religious texts to support my current views (kind of like what everyone else does in mainstream religions). I would likely choose westernized forms of Buddhism and liberal Judaism.