If you found out You had cancer


New member
Apr 16, 2008
If you found out You had cancer, and had 2 weeks to live what would you do?

I personally would do every drug just to experience it, then fuck any random hot girl i met...
SkyDive, max out a credit card, tons of meaningless sex, then like 2 days before I die rent out a Hayabusa and go as fast as I can on the freeway with 0 motorcycle experience. I'd rather go out that way.
1 - Ask the chick out I like.
2 - Can't die a virigin, so I'd sex her.
3 - Last day to live dump her ass.
4 - On the last day go on a killing spree.
5 - Die in jail.
5 - Skydive before jail.
i was thinking about option c but was to ashamed to admit it hahahahaha

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why would you go on a killing spree....you ok in the head??

edit:nvm thats a rhetorical question =p i still love you though boosie
lol its gotta be said if its gotta be done..and isn't it more fun if they struggle?
ummmmm......this wont end up you actually dont have cancer and the doctor made a huge mistake? well..........

basically a mix of all those guys up there.

that would suck if you actually did all that stuff and found out you had a minor cold???
Probably make a giant martyrdom type statement to get some people's eyes open to the corruption and ridiculous decisions of our "government".
EDIT: Also I would ingest as many different drugs that I could get my hands on.