If you destroy any 3 celebrities?


Jun 1, 2008
Who would it be??

I'd take down all 3 of the Jonas Brother UGH!!! (they count as 1)
Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag (again..just 1 GRR)
Angelina Jolie.

anyone else??
lol, id take down
Robert Pattinson-he does ONE movie, and hes suddenly DROOLED over, JUST because he plyas edward cullen! when he is fukin ugly! and needs to find the shampoo bottle...

Paris Hilton-WHY do people think the stupid things she does are funny?!

Nicole Kidman-god shes annoying, and cant act

lol, ill leave the younger ones, like the olsen twins, miley cyrus, lynsey lohan etc alone, theyre still learning, maybe theyll get betta with time...
Technically that is 6 so technically either get rid of the jonas brothers or the other three

paris hilton
nicole kidman
idk whoever else wants to die
The only one that I'd truly love to destroy is Angelina Jolie. UGH. Maybe if she collects enough babies she will stop acting and I can quit boycotting mother nature herself's annoying movies!!!

And I agree with the guy above, except that I'd get rid of both the Olsen twins.
I agree with you except Angelina. My third choice would be Miley Cyrus. Ugh! They all need to be hit by a bus!!!

Ok that may be a bit extreme but they all irritate me soo much!!

EDIT: Oh I cant believe I forgot Megan Fox her too!
hahaahahahhaha! Yea the Jonas Brothers, Mily Cyrus, and Meagan from Rock of love she ain't a celebrity but I'm tired of seeing her on TV!
-Paris Hilton
-Miley Cyrus
-....and paris hilton again...i dont get why some people admire her at all...why do people applaud the stupid things she does?