if you could go anywhere...


New member
May 15, 2008
in the world were would you go?

were have you been?

if i were to go anywhere it would probably be Heilinski, Finland, England, Paris.

ive been to munchen germany, and salzburg austria, and they are both amazingly beautiful, i loved every moment there.

how about you guys?
Hard to pick one place on the planet, I would pick Antartica for origionality.

Goal in life is to visit every country in the world. Grab a flag from each, and hang 'em all in my house.
that would be legit.

when i was in germany all i brought back was costers from all the beer gardens lol
ireland would be fun, but dont they constenly have civil wars going on? or is that scottland?


No I would actually visit Austrailia or Switzerland , they were both amazing places.

Turks and Caicos was fun also.
lol soooorrry i didn't major in geography or history or w/e lol so i take it that its scottland?