If someone you never before spoke to greets you how do you respond?


May 21, 2008
Okay i have seen this person around on the street before but i dont even know him, suddenly today and one day last week he walks past me and acts like he knows me and says "hello girl!" then stands in front of me waiting for a response, really i have no desire to talk to a stranger, but i feel rude to ignore him, how would you react?
justs say hi then leave better still next time say h first then walk straight past
Walk past him and yell "Hi" over your shoulder.

I do this sometimes when random people greet me on the street, which isn't often
Just say you are in a rush for one of the following reasons:
1. "I'm going to the dentist"
2. "I'm visiting my grandma in hospital"
3. "I have to watch some paint dry"