If people on here are going to debate, can you at least argue your point


New member
May 22, 2009
respectfully???!!!!? This is for everyone, can people just stop with the insults because it is irritating and it is really offensive to a lot of people. Yeah I am ranting, so what, got a problem? Don't read it. All I'm saying is that we are in in the religion and spirituality section so if a person has an opinion can everyone be respectful so everyone doesn't look like a whole bunch of morons. I respect those that have argued their sides and points of views with respect and don't insult others. Insults only cause more problems and obviously there will be more problesm because people are just going to get off of yahoo hating and cursing Atheists and Christians even more. We're supposed to discuss our sides as civilized human beings not raging lunatics. Like I said again,don't insult me and you won't be insulted and you won't be having to look at me like I'm such a mean person just because you said a few things to tick me off. Keep it nice people.Get it. Got it. Good.
Get over it. Everybody on here is going to bicker, argue, fight, use ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments, diss each others' mamas, and anything else they can do. Usually, unless report monkeys get involved, it's all just venting....from ALL sides, not just Atheists and Christians.

Yes, sometimes insults happen....but there are really good debates on here too. My suggestion to your last question was a valid one...use paragraphs....blocks of text DO hurt people's eyes. No insult intended.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Grow up. There's your insult.
Amen. Don't attack anyone's personal beliefs. because thats what they are PERSONAL. BELIEFS. This is america (well, at least for me) and anyone is entitled to think what you want. If you want to attack someone, do it in your head. Don't put on your anonymous online mask and go on a power trip and go bashing peoples beliefs.
That will probably never happen, if it did this would be called the morals and ethics section.
Don't know if you noticed..this isn't a forum for debate it isn't designed for it and as far as I can tell most are frankly shills..who get paid to post talking points.
What is offensive is making a post based in fact and reality and have a responder present emotion and superstition as fact. We can discuss nothing in this dynamic.
i like that you stuck up for yourself. hope everything works out for ya. however, the world is full of stupid people...
If it bothers you so much don't come here. There is nothing like a good debate to get the creative juices flowing. So what if people disagree? Thats life. And sometimes life sucks. Get over it!
Get it. Got it. Good.
No. Mainly because, there are too many morons in here making stupid points (from all parts of the belief spectrum). It's a waste of internet and time, so I have no problem insulting people in order to make leave.
@" Like I said again,don't insult me and you won't be insulted and you won't be having to look at me like I'm such a mean person just because you said a few things to tick me off. Keep it nice people.Get it. Got it. Good."

Thank you for opening everyones eyes! That really pisses me off too when I put something up and people call me names. One person called me a terrorist!
You know what's irritating?...
Level 1 noobs trying to tell others how to behave on Y!A.
You're not in charge here. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
Unfortunately there are lots of small people out there who, in a battle of wits, are unarmed. They have to resort to name-calling because they don't actually have an informed point. They're to be pitied, more than anything else.
Thanks for the rant. I am in agreement with you. Personal insults are not called for. When someone has to resort to an insult, that means that they do not have a positive point to make about what they are debating.
They try to make the other look bad, but in reality, they only one who looks bad is the person doing the insulting.
Yes, a bit of a rant going on there, but, that's OK. You are probably tired and we all get sick of insults. Get some rest and do something more pleasant when yahoo gets you down. God Bless and sleep well.