If people are supposedly "BORN GAY AND LESBIAN" how is it that women turn...


Nov 22, 2008
If people are supposedly "BORN GAY AND LESBIAN" how is it that women turn...

...gay after being mistreated by men? Some women will be heterosexual their whole lives and suddenly decide to turn gay after being with too many of the wrong men. I feel thats one example that being gay is a choice not how you are born.
Matt i actually do know ppl that have done that.
well i appreciate all of the input, dont get things confused, i dont hate homosexuals at all, i just dont understand it. I just wish you ppl that are would be more open to other ideas. But at the end of the day i stand by my beliefs and you ppl will have to answer to Jesus Christ one day... possibly soon so please repent of your ways and call out to Jesus to help you. god bless
also as a side note, the bible says that there will be days when people will treat things that are bad as good and things that are good as bad... think about it.