
  1. G

    When the iphone 5C (supposedly) is going to be release? and when will the LG G2... available on T-mobile? So, what do you know about this? im really interested on knowing some info about it. Any thing will do, i just want to know
  2. J

    How come my iPhone 5, that is supposedly lock to Bell, works with my Rogers SIM card?

    I bought an iPhone 5 on eBay that said it was locked to the carrier Bell. I tried a Rogers sim on it and it worked. So does this mean the iPhone is actually unlocked? I also want to sell this iPhone on eBay but I don't know if I should advertise it as unlocked or locked to rogers or bell.
  3. R

    this is supposedly the hardest logical riddle ever and i think i have the answer

    someone check me? A group of people live on an island. They are all perfect logicians -- if a conclusion can be logically deduced, they will do it instantly. No one knows the color of their eyes. Every night at midnight, a ferry stops at the island. If anyone has figured out the color of their...
  4. I

    Why is it always the fat people on the news whining about someone supposedly...

    ...stopping them from going to BK? Or McDonalds, or Wendy's, or Dominos, or Popeyes, etc?! There's NO bill or law out here that says that! Nor will there ever be period! It's just not going to happen in this *capitalistic* society! Some people are so stupid telling that lie. Just saw a report...
  5. I

    my boyfriends violence and supposedly psychic predictions are terrifying me-I'm

    honestly not a troll? I know I need to leave him at some point,that is not what I'm asking,I just wonder what your opinion is on the weird stuff that's been happening please read the whole thing :-) ok,so I met him just over a year ago,he was really nice at first but really stressed me out...
  6. L

    In what year was the movie The Gambler with Kenny Rogers supposedly set in?

    In what year was the movie The Gambler with Kenny Rogers supposedly set in?
  7. L

    what is the book that supposedly walt disney copied his stories from?

    my sister wants it since a long time ago, but she showed me the book like one time once we were at the store, i didn't really look at it -._ - i can't remember it.... its an old book with all the old stories of princesses in there. please helpp! real answers will be greatly appreciated! thanks.
  8. C

    Has anyone heard of Wallace Ford, supposedly the white founder of the Nation Of...

    ...Islam? It has always been speculated but never confirmed, that , the founder of the ‘Nation Of Islam,’ a black nationalist and religious organization was a ‘white man’ named Wallace Fard. Scholars have provided proof, that Fard was ‘at least’ half Caucasian, most likely full Caucasian. His...
  9. C

    Supposedly CERN just found out neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light?

    Um...... Hello CERN! We detected that 20 or so years ago with the 1st photographed supernova! Neutrino detectors around the world, recorded the neutrino wave passing through the Earth many days before the light hit us. Just what are those guys really doing? *Yes, it is a question...... What...
  10. B

    What years did Roger Clemens supposedly take steroids?

    What years did roger clemens supposedly take steroids
  11. G

    My voice supposedly sounds gay?

    I was playing killzone 3 online and i was getting frustrated because i was dying a lot and i said "oh my god" and then these group of people (they sounded like friends) kept on repeating what i said and said i sounded funny and gay and so i told them to f off and they started to call me gay...
  12. D

    When people say that Jared the Shooter smoked weed sometimes (supposedly) as... argument against Weed,? do you feel a little bit dumber having read that statement?? I mean, I think that when stupid people say things and we hear or read it, it makes us think more stupidly. How many people that are ADAMANTLY opposed to weed being legal have killed people??? Will you...
  13. D

    When people say that Jared the Shooter smoked weed sometimes (supposedly) as... argument against Weed,? do you feel a little bit dumber having read that statement?? I mean, I think that when stupid people say things and we hear or read it, it makes us think more stupidly. How many people that are ADAMANTLY opposed to weed being legal have killed people??? Will you...
  14. N

    If the year is 2011 and it supposedly means that we are in the 2011th year of

    Christ.....? ...why then don't we celebrate the new year on the 25th December, or why isn't Christmas Day the 1st January ??
  15. Q

    If people are supposedly "BORN GAY AND LESBIAN" how is it that women turn...

    If people are supposedly "BORN GAY AND LESBIAN" how is it that women turn... after being mistreated by men? Some women will be heterosexual their whole lives and suddenly decide to turn gay after being with too many of the wrong men. I feel thats one example that being gay is a choice...
  16. O

    Why can't I burn a 1 hour and 3 minutes video onto a DVD-R that supposedly

    holds up to 120 minutes? This is BS, I've tried so many different burning softwares and they all say the same. I'm trying to burn a 1 hour P90x video onto a DVD-R that supposedly holds 120 minutes, but all sites say the DVD-R is too short! What the hell, if it supposedly holds up to 2 hours...
  17. S

    when is next high school of the dead episode supposedly coming out?

    meaning episode 13...
  18. R

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...?

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...? I heard that Lucid dreaming means that you can see your dream very clearly but that it also means that you're aware that your dreaming, I ALWAYS see my dreams as if its reality and I feel some stuff like if someone...
  19. R

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...?

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...? I heard that Lucid dreaming means that you can see your dream very clearly but that it also means that you're aware that your dreaming, I ALWAYS see my dreams as if its reality and I feel some stuff like if someone...
  20. R

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...?

    I supposedly "Lucid Dream" but the thing is... I never think it's a dream...? I heard that Lucid dreaming means that you can see your dream very clearly but that it also means that you're aware that your dreaming, I ALWAYS see my dreams as if its reality and I feel some stuff like if someone...