If our parents warned us never to talk to strangers why do we all keep


New member
Jul 29, 2008
meeting up on this site?!? Remember "Charlie said ....", and yet here we are, drawn back to the network again!! my mother would worry!!!
hey! listen to deighton bringing out his wild side!!!
Because firstly, all of us (i hope!) are adults now. Secondly, we aren't really ever going to meet in real life (most of us at least!) and thirdly this is just the virtual world, we aren't really speaking, we're sending messages thru avatars...there is some element of safety. i hope.
Because we hope to meet the good ones,and can always switch off it it becomes unpleasant.
My face is there for all to see,so if a woman is strange enough to contact me,she shouldn't complain. :]

By the way,any child who took advice from a talking cat,should have been locked away in a lunatic asylum!
Parents are right...don't talk ton strangers

As an adult I make my own decisions.....but there are plenty I have encountered on here I would not wish to meet in the real world....

Plenty I would though

She should worry if you start meeting up with people you meet on here......