If Jesus Christ were alive today, would you follow him on Twitter?

Jesus Christ has something better than Twitter !

He has given each Christian His spirit!

The Holy Spirit guides us into all Truth.

The Holy Spirit keeps you!

No it is not all hypothetical!

No it is not imagination!

The Bible is Spirit and Truth!

The Bible proves itself to be inspired because of its THEME!

The THEME is we all need the Messiah!

The THEME is The Messiah will come!

What about Jesus Christ is He the Messiah promised by God to Adam and Eve all who have lived??

Jesus Christ is without a doubt the Messiah :

The Old Testament gives us a thumbprint: "Its says that when you find the person that fits this thumbprint, that's the Messiah!"

Throughout History Jesus THE Christ is the only one who has had that thumbprint.

If you are A skeptic, I challenge you to study the historical facts about Jesus Christ -- His death, His resurrection, and the prophecies written hundreds of years before He came that show with pinpoint accuracy that Christ Jesus is THE Messiah!

Look at the odds of any one person fulfilling these prophecies.

A mathematician proved that the chance of any one person fulfilling even 8 of these Old Testament prophecies was :

One IN 10 to the 17th power OR 10.00000000000000000!

Those Odds would be like covering the earth with silver dollars placing them heads up and painting the back of one THEM GREEN!

And giving YOU all the silver dollars if you can pick up the silver dollar with the back painted GREEN in one try !

Oh I forgot to mention that Jesus Christ fulfilled 300 plus prophecies and about 436 details.

With that amount of evidence only a very dishonest OR foolish person rejects Him as the Messiah.

Psalms 28:3 Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.

Accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life


Reject Him at your peril!

Your Choice!


Psalms 30:2 O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.

(Psalms 2:12 KJV) Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

If Jesus was alive today, Athena... YES, I would follow Him on Twitter.... Infact, I would follow Him ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.
I don't follow Twitter and I don't think Jesus would use the media too much.
He is more of a personal friend and God.