If Jack the Riper was a Black Democrat and lived in modern times, born


New member
Oct 23, 2008
American could he be President? Would the left wing media protect him the same way as you know who?
He has never been caught and no one knows who he is? He could already be in Congress as we speak. He could be your next door neighbor, your childs teacher, pastor of a church. or he could be an American president some day.
he would have the same chance as John the jackass the white republiKLAN
He'd be the democratic nomination for sure, they'd vote for him simply because of his party. They elected White Water criminals like the Clinton's twice didn't they?
Sure Bring on Jack. I doubt if he killed as many as McCain did in Vietnam. Let me guess, you are a devout Christian????
So does Jack the Riper run around at night at spray ethelene gas on vegetables to make them ripen faster?
Even though this question is erroneous and invalid on its face, because Jack the Ripper is a fictional character because it is a name given to a murderer in England by the press in England and the real murderer has never been found and tried, no he could not be and Senator Obama is more than what you elude to here. Also, it isn't just the left wing media who have his support. DA!
no, he was a serial killer
barack is a harvard law school graduate and community organizer as well as a US Senator
you, of course are an /\$$HOLE
Yes, it is harder to get a security clearance to work in a defense plant than it is to be a Senator or President in the United States.
how can an idiot like you compare black demos to jack the ripper, your the problem with this country, Racist...
As long as he was black and a Dem, it would satisfy 90-95% of registered blacks (as we saw in the primaries).