If I were a stupid moron hugging tree's and yelling at people in SUV's which

Most people would say you're a democrat, but that would be an understatement. You're not just a normal, typical democrat. You're a LEFT WING RADICAL!
Actually, you would want to join the Green Party. At least they aren't hypocritical.

The Dems will do as you say, but after they're done, they'll drive away in their SUVs too.
Commit yourself to some mental institution or get an education and learn to think and reason for yourself.

I love trees, the sun the moon, the rain, the clouds. I love animals, I love children before and after they are born. I like SUV's and I like jets but I'm delighted with my Toyota which is paid off.

I want to help those truly in need and give them a 'hand up" but I resent those who think I owe them something.

I want to give 100% to those who will help themselves, to those who served our Country in foreign lands and found themselves w/o homes or families but I don't want to give anything to those who have not at least sacrificed to the extent that I have.

What should you do? Educate yourself and form informed decisions on what kind of Country you want for yourself and your descendants.