If I hackintosh an AMD PC can I use the iOS SDK?


May 14, 2008
Apple requires you to have an Intel based Mac, I have a MacBook right now but I'm looking into selling it and hackintoshing my PC. I have a quad-core AMD processor, if I got OS X running would I be able to use the iOS SDK? I'm not sure if it would detect it was an AMD processor or not or if I would need to do some kind of tweaking to make it think it's an Intel.
You cannot run the Mac OS on an AMD processor. It just won't work. The Mac OS can run ONLY on an Intel processor.
Yes, as long as you get all your drivers working properly. I have OS X 10.6.6 on VMware workstation running just fine on Win7 on a laptop with a dualcore AMD64 processor, and xcode (iOS SDK is included in it) works just fine.