If Christians were taught that Lepracauns made rain...?

no, it would prove to be a wrong fact or a fictional tale, because now we actually know how rain is made
There is only one HUGE problem with your thesis; Lepricans do not exist.

When you look around you at how the clouds stay in the air, how the ocean sets where it should and how you can (and I am REALLY surprised and shocked at this, but) even think to come up with the jive that you've posted to this forum, then for sure, a very powerful God must exist. He did create all of us with the ability to think and to use common sense; it's just up to you [or anyone] to actually put it to good use.

Think before you post.

God Bless.
...........gigggggle ......there are no Leprechauns.

But there are lots and lots of lies.

Just like a little cute bunny laying eggs.......... lie.

The problem is in trying to prove a lie with a truth.
Does not work.
Never has.
Never will.

And yes, I understand the logic you are trying to show in your question.
Just like it takes time to understand she has been lied to concerning the "bunny", in the end TIME is the proof.

Is a proof needed to show God [Leprechaun] is causing the rain. Sure. Is the proof in my saying to you, "God makes it rain, it rains, therefore God exists." No. I would not insult you. But I would say, "In TIME, proof will be given confirming God existence."

A fiercely Independent Irish Christian Eschatologist
Are you questioning the existence of God or Jesus ? Because if it's God you need to include a lot more people than Christians.
Where your heart is-There is your treasure.

No Leprechauns required.

Peaceful wishes...