If Christianity Judaism and Islam claim to be religions of peace why are they...


New member
Nov 6, 2010
...blowing the world to bits? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC4NdgwBGOo&feature=g-upl&context=G2df309eAUAAAAAAAAAA
It's not religion, although it's often attributed to that.

Why are Arab janjaweed murdering hundreds of thousands of Darfuris, even though both groups are Muslim?

It's the usual, happening for thousands of years: greed and lust for land, with an undercurrent of identity politics. Religion is just one of several different ways this can play out: it can also be a matter of language, ethnic/racial group, etc.
Fore some reason they just can not understand that there is but one god. A chair in the US would not be a chair in Israel nor in Egypt. Is not a rose by any other name still a rose?
Don't blame Christianity for the sins of those who falsely pretend to embrace it.In the United States ,for many claiming to be a Christian brings economic and social rewards which invites charlatans to the faith.One of the best evidences of this is the largest "Christian" message boards in the world which is controlled by military and ex-military moderators who actually ban writers and delete their posts which condemn war and mass murder.

In the Christian faith,this teaching from Jesus is known as the Golden Rule,"DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU."

:close look:

Right,Jesus taught love,forgiveness and peace,not the hate,retaliation and violence of war.:be polite: