If Christ did intended to come on May 21 (or any other dates predicted...


Mar 18, 2008
...earlier), what possible reasons...? do you think would have caused a postponement?

(thank you. no TD from me)
Thanks. I can agree with you on that point, as that would be the initial reaction to Camping prediction came Sunday. My extended question to you would be "what did you do before May 21 to disprove his claim? Were you as mad before as you are now?"
Christ Himself doesn't even know when He will return.

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32

But there are certain prophecies that need to happen first before He does, it's an interesting study.
The " christ " will return to your heart whenever you are ready to see he has been there all along .
When Christ comes back it will be to cleanse the earth of wickedness. When the cup of the wrath of his indignation is full. In other words when wickedness is so bad that children being born into the earth have no chance to be anything but wicked then the end will come as in the days of Noah. I is a end of wickedness. not the end of the world. Christ will come and take up all the righteous into a cloud the wicked will then be burned as stubble. The earth will then be change back to the way it was before it divided. The earth will appear as the Garden of Eden and none will molest them no sickness, no death no sorrow. A person will live to be the age of a tree (100 years) and be change in the twinkling of and eye from mortality to immortality And Christ will rule a 1000 years and Satan will be bound.
If Christ had intended to come on May 21, He would have come on May 21.
See this is what pisses me off about Camping, BECAUSE he used GOD'S name AND the BIBLE to predict some false crap! Now people have FALSE depictions of the Bible and GOD....which means that people who never believed in GOD or the BIBLE, REALLY don't believe in it even more, bcuz of this man.

In the bible says no one knows when GOD is coming, not even JESUS, not even the angels in heaven. NO ONE KNOWS! God did not say he was coming back on may 21st....this camping guy really screwed up our religion big time im so mad.
See in the text below what you did NOT see on Judgment Day (not Rapture Day).
This is a surprising text.
