If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, why do atheists still eat pork?

Apr 25, 2013
If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, i.e. not forcing religion down people's throats unlike some other religions, why do atheists still eat pork?
That question should be taken out behind the barn and shot so as to put it out of its misery. Just because I appreciate the fact that Jews don't proselytize doesn't mean I wanna play the dreidel game for Hannukah. That logic is so bent it has to look down to see up.
I've never heard that we think "Judaism is what religion should be"...
You must be a christer... you just make up shyt and pass it off as fact.
l0l, have you read the old testament? no one abides by that shit, if they did atheists would not exist and a shit load of animals would be wiped from the planet.
There are two reasons why Jews avoid pork: a silly one, and a nasty one.

I am neither silly nor nasty. So I eat pork.
Um, no. Judaism is worst of all religions. It is a truly barbaric and violent religion. I never heard Atheists support true Judaism.
I don't understand you here.

A real atheist (as I) can eat everything without referring to something forbidden as not eating pork (seen among some religions). The excuses for not eating pork from the Jewish point of view means nothing for atheists. Each religion has its own stupidities. When the followers accept them on a whole, it proves that ridicule rules are great when you want control a group of the population. If the rules were logical it wouldn't work as the human are very flexible from one culture to another ... that why people belonging to a culture are so different of people from another culture.
I agree with the Jewish teaching of non-preaching, but that doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING in Judaism. If I did, I would be Jewish, now wouldn't I?

Who wants to FOLLOW religion?

Pork is great to eat if cooked properly, so why in the world would I not eat pork? Because someone's imaginary friend said not to?? F that!