If 9/11 was in fact an inside job as the documentary "Loose Change" argues, who


Feb 28, 2008
If 9/11 was in fact an inside job as the documentary "Loose Change" argues, who

was flying the planes? Also, why would they go to the extent of collapsing the towers and attacking the Pentagon? Wouldn't flying planes into the buildings have been enough to create a "new Pearl Harbor"? I'm not attacking the conspiracy argument I'm just wondering.
They will just say they "don't know" but that we first have to admit the "official story" is wrong before we can find out what "really happened".

They are bomb throwers, they don't have to make sense or state a coherent theory, they just have to point things out and complain about what wasn't released.

They are like the birthers, no matter what is released, they always just demand more.
Invisible American Paratroopers who jumped out of the plane before it hit the building!
It was of course not an "Inside Job". I know your question was about if it was but for the US government to go and kill 3,000 people just to go to war with Afghanistan is just not normal.
The 'grey' space aliens used 'Star Trek' tractor beams.

(You got to admit that his makes as much sense as any other 9/11 conspiracy theory.)
You look at "qui bono" who benefits?

only ONE country on earth benefitted from 9/11...and it wasnt the US..it was the country where the Mossad agents who attacked us came from
No, it is all a Fraud.

BUT....... Explain why Sandy Berger Stole & Destroyed Classified Documents to Protect Bill Clinton from the 9/11 Commission Investigation.

??????? Something is screwy.........
Which version of "Loose Change"? There have I think been at least 4 editions, each vastly different (because while the producers are perfectly willing to rethink their evidence it never occurs to them this could change the conclusion).

All of the "inside job" theories lack the basics, the who/what/when/where and most importantly why. That this does not seem to particularly bother those who put the theories forward should at the very least make us all suspicious of thier motives. One has to understand that at its core the "truther" movement is a messianic movement with all of the appeal of having "secret knowledge" that the unwashed don't have and the power that this provides. This is why they hold on to their theories just as if they were a religious belief even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary or just the downright upsurdity of some of the claims.
I do not believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, but this series of videos gives some very thought provoking questions and answers your question.