Ideal level of fitness?


New member
Sep 29, 2008
What do you consider ideal fitness parameters considering muscular strength (lbs. per lift/sets/reps) and speed (such as sprints) and endurance (muscular or cardiovascular)?

I'm not aiming to be a bodybuilder, marathoner, or any one thing in particular. Just wondering what your ideal fitness level and body type would be, and possibly a simple exercise schedule you would recommend to achieve this.
I guess I'm wondering what an ideal mix of fitness what look like, such as body fat, strength, flexibility, running speed/capacity, endurance, etc.
Well, I didn't really ask about how to stop being fat or weight train because I already do my share of exercise and drink plenty of water.
It depends upon your definition of fitness. If you want to live as long a life as possible just a daily walk or jog 6-days a week won't deliver optimum fitness. It will make you pretty healthy and is certainly worth doing but it won't yield high fitness levels.
if you are fat, or have above 25 % bodyfat (use online calculator) you need to lose some weight. Afterwards you need to look in Google for a test on what morph you are. Depending on it, you have to search a workout program for one. IF you get into some weightlifting you need to remember 3 rules:

1 Not overtraining
2 Eating the right stuff at the right time
3 resting and sleeping a lot

+ drinking lots of water
What is the ideal level of fitness needed to join the army?
I just wanted to know what sort of fitness level would be good for joining the army. Im female and looking to join the dental corps and have started goin jogging etc. What standard should i reach and how have any of you done it or got on? Thanks in advance

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