I would like to find the title and/or author of a sci-fi book that I read


New member
Nov 5, 2010
about 20 years ago? 20 years ago a sci-fi book captured my heart, but I do not remember neither the title nor the writer.

Here is the story line: An astronaut finds a planet that seems out of place. With the permission of his superiors, he lands on the planet to find out its story.

At first, the astronaut finds star scrapers and large cities, but everything is abandoned. As he continues his journey, he meets a knight, who is in love with a princess. The astronaut then meets a dwarf, who seems to pop up every time that astronaut contacts another living being on the planet.
At the end of the story, the astronout finds out that there was a global war on the planet (soon we will realize that this planet is actually Earth), and everybody died with the exception of three scientists - one woman and two men). The were working under ground, and the disaster did not affect them immediately. These scientist decided to become cyborgs in order to survive the disaster once resurfaced. They shook hands, and became cyborgs. These there cyborgs then divided Earth among themselves and recreated history by remaking the historical creatures, such as the Knights. However, these recreated individuals lived a short life only. If I remember correctly, only thirty years. The reason the three surviving cyborg kept recreating history, because they loved their home planet very much, and they had nothing else to do. At the end of the story, the three cyborgs begged the astronout to leave them alone, undetected. The astronout left, and the Earth continued to float in space with the cyborgs remembering their beloved history...
If you recognize the book, please let me know. THANK YOU SO MUCH!