I went on a hike this weekend and found strange hair/fur in the woods...?


May 11, 2008
My boyfriend and I went hiking through the woods and found fur/hair... It was gray and white sort've thick, and looked like it was cut with sizzors it was very percise... It was definetly animal hair bc it had a strange spotted pattern in one of the sections and there was alot of it... Here is a picture, Please let me know if any one has any idea what this may be... I'm think it could've been a wolf that had shed after winter? Thanks:)http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp63/dmei57/P5020283.jpg
that is not natural. from the picture that hair looks like it was definitely cut by scissors or some sharp blade. when animals shed they do not clump their hair together like that and most times use a tree to "rub" up against of. no animal that i know of leaves hair like that. it was definitely cut off by someone.