I was a Roger Federer fan for years, but I'll be honest with you, I'm not


New member
Jan 25, 2011
much of a fan of his anymore. I? really don't know what has caused this, but maybe it's because he's won everything there is to win, and he has all of the records, and he's cocky and arrogant as hell. I really am rooting for Novak Djokovic to beat Roger in the SF, and I would also like Andy Murray to make it to the finals. Maybe a Murray-Djokovic final would be nice to see. It's nice to see other guys win slams, other than Rafa and Federer. This is really hard for me to admit now, but it's true, and I was a huge fan of Federers from about 2001-2009. But the past few years, he has really let the fame go to his head, and he's become extremely cocky and arrogant, and hitting all these trick shots through his legs, and all of these TV commercials. He's just too big for his britches, and I would like to see him defeated, the same goes with Rafa, I've always disliked him. Do any of you feel the same way about Roger that I do. Maybe a former fan whose no longer a Roger fan, like me?
Lol this isn't the Roman Catholic Church! No need for a confession haha

As long as you stay away from Murray and move towards Baghdatis you're ok :)
I think Djokovic is at the top of his game right now. This year might be his to beat Federer.
However, I am still a huge fan of Federer. Maybe you don't like him because of all those trick shots he pulled (like in the match with Warinka). But that's exactly why he is a complete player and can pull all kinds of tricks from his bag.
And I don't think he is arrogant either. He's pretty modest during interviews given what he's accomplished. As for those commercials, well, somebody else come up with that.
Having said that, I agree with you that it will be nice to have a final between somebody else other than Federer and Rafa. And Djokovic might just do it this time at the Aussie.
Not sure if Murray can get by Rafa though.
Watching Federer is entertaining, and it makes it that much more exciting when he does a trick shot. When he does a tweener they are usually necessary if he wants to stay in the point. The fact that they are winners are not his problem. I personally don't think he is arrogant, his last few interviews he has mentioned how good murray, and djokvic are.
As for Nadal, I don't like him either.
Actually, what you're establishing here is that you cannot make an objective observation at all...

Okay, by which mean is Federer cocky or arrogant? Because he's trying to pull off trick shots in his matches? We could argue for a long time, but statistically, he has lost very few rallies when he tried one; by quid facti (matter of facts), he's showing us his shot selection was sufficient to overcome his opponent. Djokovic, Dabhul (don't know the spelling), Wawrinka... everyone he tried it against has not lasted longer in the tournament to tell anyone Federer was wrong to do that. As far as strategy is concerned, you're always playing within a margin and, even if your shot is risky, if you keep pulling it off, there's no reason to stop it.

Is it because he acknowledges his ability to perform better than any other human being? Because, actually, he DOES hit a tennis ball better in more various ways than any other did before him, so we can't speak of him as being arrogant for telling the truth, nor for doing what he is good at doing. The problem with you is that you have yet to understand what means "humility"; it's not pretending to be lesser than yourself as this is a lack of confidence or, if conscious, a lie; it's not pretending you are better than you are as this is arrogance. Being humble is pretending to be who you are; not better, not lesser: exactly you.

I do not have any problem with a hockey player going for a shot, even in a 3 on 1 situation; however, he'll have to make sure his action is justified and it can only be the right move if this movement provided his team with the highest probabilities of scoring - if he hits the post, gets a dangerous rebound or scores, his movement may happen to look selfish at first glance, may be just for the show, but if it worked well, no one can say anything about it.

Federer is a bit like that; yes, he goes for highlights shots, but he can do them and, yes, if you were wondering, he keeps training for the specific purpose of being able to hit the ball in every possible way. As you have quickly noticed yesterday, even if misses some by times (those are mostly fancy drop shots, sliced passing shots or things like that), it puts him in the rhythm of going for more. And, if you were to play a tennis match and begun to feel a bit more lazy, trying something complex, something hard, when you are in a good position to do it... this may actually get you on your run. Everyone is pride when they pull those things off and it has a psychological impact over your game, even if you just get close to doing it.

I don't know why people say he's arrogant: what he does works; what he says in interviews are honest analysis; and he behaves with the most strict politeness I have yet seen on a court. What I can understand however is that those people who keep insulting him can hardly get a word out of any ethical theory, let alone understanding epistemology...
You read my mind. Arrogance is disgusting. I hope djokovic takes em both out. I'm sick of nadal and federer, I have never been fans of either of em though.