I want to stay christian but i feel as if my religion is too judgmental.?


New member
May 15, 2008
Hi, ive been Christian since I was 12 by my own choice, im now 17 and im starting resent my own religion. Christians are often said to be very judgmental, unforgiving and intolerant, and im starting to see this. I read Christian posts and they make me so angry with how mean and judgmental some of these people are. Eg/ You don’t do this blah blah = you go to hell and god hates you...thats the answer to everything? What about sympathy? No one has the right to judge others, these CHRISTIANS don’t decide who goes to hell, god does. My anger towards Christians who hate other religions, try and force their beliefs down one another’s throats and judge make me not want to be called a Christian. yes im being hypocritical, but I need help with understanding that not all Christians are like this. I’ve always believed God loves everyone no matter what race, religion or sexual preference, why don’t other Christians see that? I need help, my love for my religion is dying and im worried.