I want to start some type of martial arts?


New member
Dec 23, 2010
There is no better or best martial art. Trying to compare arts is like comparing painting styles. It has a lot of subjective points, and there's really no way of knowing. However, what we do know is that arts taught poorly, are completely and utterly useless. Thus your main focus should be on finding a good school, not what art is best.

Google a list of schools in your area. From here, compile a list of arts you feel are the most interesting or that you like the most. Once you have this list down, go visit the local schools of the style of your choice. While visiting these schools, make sure the instructor is knowledgable and that the school is not a McDojo. Once you have visited all the schools in your area and you have a good list of schools, decide which school you like the best or which one is cheaper, or closer, etc.

There is no specific martial art for body types. Yes, you will encounter problems with certain techniques in every art, but this is true of all people. Martial arts have been practiced by every shape and size person, thus all martial arts contain techniques which are advantageous to different body types and are stand alone arts. E.g. In judo a shorter person will have an easier time with hip throws, as they have a lower center of gravity, but a taller person will have an advantage in reaping, as the taller person will have longer legs.

Best of luck to you.
I would like to start some type of martial arts preferably Shotokan karate because of its availability in my area. I am not exactly sure how effective the style is when it comes to defending yourself on the street against an enemy. The reason why i want to do Shotokan or another type of martial arts is because i would like to be able to defend myself against people who are trying to hurt me nothing else. Some say that it takes years to be able to use Shotokan effectively and that is not an answer that suits me and my situation,i would like to be able to learn how to defend myself effectively and decent as soon as possible. I took Kenpo Karate a few months ago and it did not seem practical at all,it was all premeditated moves against certain situations which in my opinion is stupid because you never know what willl happen in a fight,nothing goes down exactly how they say it might. I just want to do a practicle style of martial arts,for some reason i am extremely drawn to Wing chun or Karate..the real stuff..not the diluted styles across the U.s. that just do it for money..that is the dilema..finding a practical style that will help me defend myself..i also feel as if i am to short for martial arts i am 5'7 160 pounds 17 years old
Yes, shotokan Karate, is very effective, but it does take time. Look up Lyoto Machida, he took Shotokan Karate. He is a successful MMA fighter. As for you being too small?
That's what martial arts are all about, defense against bigger people. Again, look at MMA fighters, most of the successful ones are smaller. If you want to learn something quick and effective, see if you can find a military combat based martial art, Sambo, Krav-Maga, Systema etc.
Those are hard to find, but you might can find something.
Also, MMA classes are VERY effective, trust me, I've been taking MMA classes for a few months and I can easily beat the hell out of anyone who's messing with me, big or small.

Hope I helped--- Good luck---
Just do what you want. 5'7 isn't too short either. I also think canucksfan102 has had a lot of sugar.
Take sport karate,
realy fun and competiative, and great for defending urself

And thanks Anna (Canucks Fan 102) for the compliment
Take sport karate,
realy fun and competiative, and great for defending urself

And thanks Anna (Canucks Fan 102) for the compliment