I want to start MMA and become an amateur fighter?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I'm not trying to get into UFC or anything, I just want to pick up MMA. I do basketball also, that takes up the majority of my time. Right now I can do it maybe 2 days a week but when its off season I will go everyday if I can.
I actually have some history myself with fighting. I did amateur boxing up until about a year and a half ago and my amateur record was 4-2. I was on a wrestling team in 6th grade and my record was 3-3 (I much prefer striking than grappling). And I did TKD for 2 years.

How can I find a good MMA gym? Is their even such thing as an MMA gym or is it just a bunch of different Martial Art schools?
About how much should it cost monthly? (I will be paying for it by myself sadly)
thats the thing. I have experience with punching, kicking, and grappling. I just want to do straight up MMA.
find a gym that offers it all. im sure there is one near you. but they are not cheap. you need some jiu jitsu, clinch work, and keep doing your striking and wrestling. you can't get rusty. go to the gym as much as possible