i want to say early happy..


Mar 27, 2008
i want to say happy easter early
i do not have family here so i will go t church'
and the come home and watch a movie if it is nice i might talk a long walk.
how do you celabrate you easter
have a great easter from matt blake
I cant say i celebrate it at all really.

I usually just buy myself loads of mini eggs and scoff them as they are in every shop you go in.


Have a good one.
LMAO sam - thats classic!

I dont celebrate it at all - work are FORCING me to take 2 days off, even though I dont want them.
If I was allowed to work, then I would have 2 days in lieu, which I could take when my son is born in 5 weeks...

stupid bloody christian holidays being forced on an atheist!
Well, I suppose it depends. If the whole company's shut there's no point you turning up there on your tod!
I'm taking the 4 days and making my drones work instead I'll get moaned at for it being busy when I get back,but will be all relaxed after my time off.Although I am going to stay at my sisters so no doubt she'll dump the kids on us and bugger off out!
customers still need support. And there were quite a few of us wanting to work.

I suppose the extra £150 per day for working a public holiday would have been nice too!
But...the stupid bloody christians nicked my pagan festivals and renamed them to pretend that we had been converted.....

Still....chocolate is chocolate...
They hijacked them...regardless of whether or not they renamed them.

Easter being, after all, a very recent name for this festival.