I Think We Need A New Gun Law

Everyone saying "It would cause problem X" or "It would cause Problem Y" should answer me one question:

Why don't Problem X and Problem Y happen off campus, where 48 states allow licensed residents to carry concealed handguns NOW?

If you think someone would get shot over a classroom argument, show me an article where a CCW licensee shot someone over a parking space, or groceries, or a tickle-me elmo. If you think innocent bystanders in a classroom would get shot, show me evidence that CCW licensees have hit innocent bystanders at the mall, or at the movies, or in a restaurant.

Here's a hint: you can't, because it doesn't happen. None of the 48 states with CCW laws have reversed them, because licensees simply don't cause problems. CCW licensees are among the most law-abiding, level-headed people in the country. They are arrested for violent crime 5 times less often than the general public. In other words, you are 5 times LESS likely to be the victim of violence in a classroom full of CCW licensees than a classroom full of random students. A Florida CCW licensee is less likely to be arrested than a NYPD officer.

I've researched this extensively, and I'm a national media liaison for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (www.concealedcampus.org).

its easier to get guns illegally than you think

allowing teachers to carry guns would probably be a safer idea. plus most kids who go on shootings are suidical and would probably not take other students with guns into much consideration. yes it would help stop it faster but still...
I think you need to find the politics forum.

edit: Yes, teachers with guns in a terrific idea :rolleyes:

How many high school teachers are temperamental pricks? Hint: A lot. The obvious answer to the rare occurrence that is a high school shooting is to fill the high schools with more guns.
Democrats fuck up everything. My dad brought a gun to school in elementry for show and tell. He didnt kill anybody! GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE, STUPID FUCKTARDS KILL PEOPLE! Let people cary guns once they are the age, just dont sell guns to bad people. I know tons of people that carry knifes at school and they never hurt anybody, people are just stupid and retarded. I hate people these days, anti everything. I go shooting all the time, its a hobby, not a killing spree. Some people should learn the difference. With that being said they need to make the ability to get guns harder. Yes, bad people will always be able to get guns. Bad people should just be shot if they are trying to shoot up a school. They are going to die anyways so shoot them now and save lifes. If people at schools had guns the bad people would have been terminated and would not have shot up the whole school. Save innocent lifes. Yes im rambling on but I dont care, its a free country. Take my 2 pennies, put them at the gun range and shoot a .45 threw the bitch and call it a good day. Im out, I cant stand people these days.
you folks realize its leagal to carry conceled everywhere else right? when im behind you in line at wendys, im carrying. going to the movies? carrying. mall? carrying. what makes a school any different? i dont see how a campus is any different than the rest of the world
FTW! Every time I read a response from CQ I read his sig and it is so true.

I am for carrying on campus.
You cant compare the real world and a college campus. Colleges are packed with people. Much like the reason almost all fairs/theme parks/concerts/clubs have some sort of security check.

"They are arrested for violent crime 5 times less often than the general public."

1 out of 5 is still 20%.

That site says
"six states allow, without special provision, for any person eighteen years or older to be issued a concealed handgun license. These states are Indiana, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Based on the FBI/Department of Justice violent crime statistics for the year 2006, the crime rates for these six states, when ranked with all fifty states and the District of Columbia, rank as follows:

Indiana – 30
Montana – 42
South Dakota – 47
New Hampshire – 48
North Dakota – 50
Maine – 51"

Are you serious now? Those states wouldnt have a problem with violence if they gave babies guns. Give people that go to school in Detroit, LA, and other diverse "poor" areas CCW licenses and see how that clears up the crime.

That site is just as biased as anti-gun sites.

If the age was around 25 and was only implemented on certain campuses i would be more inclined to want people to carry guns. There are always going to be those people that you know shouldnt have a gun but are perfectly qualified. Also, shit happens. The more guns the more chances of those accidents. And i think those accidents will happen more than someone being a hero.

there is too much gray area between when is the right or wrong time to use a gun
Malls, theaters, and supermarkets are also full of people.

"1 out of 5 is still 20%"

What? how exactly is the lower crime rate of CCW holders a bad thing?
whats a violent crime?

i punch someone and send them to the hospital

i shoot someone and kill them.

It isnt. but they are still committing crimes
I have no idea what you are talking about....

can you explain your "1 out of 5 is still 20%" comment?

Hes asking "what defines a violent crime"

there is a shit-load of grey area in that subject
100 violent crimes. 80 crimes a person slapped another person. 20 people with ccw license kill another.(worst case scenario)
ok, both situations he posted are violent crimes.

Violent Crimes:
forcible rape
aggravated assault

You are assuming everytime a CCW owner commits a violent crime that it's with a gun....
It's not that 20% of violent crimes are by CCW owners....

Statistically (using 300m population, 1.8m Violent crimes per year, and 1.5% of population has CCW)

300 Violent Crimes. 299 Committed by the general public, 1 committed by a CCW holder.

Before you go around calling a statistic "shady" you should probably gain some fundamental knowledge on statistics and how they work.
Epic Fail. These are all people who would have their CCW everywhere else, meaning they carry their guns with them day to day for protection, but a new law would allow them to carry them on campus along with the other places. Then again, there was a huge thread on this in ST: P and this is not a good place to put it seeing as you get these kinds of responses.