I think I'm out of shape. But I want to do sports.?


May 13, 2008
Well, basically I have never been the athlete, and I want to start doing some sports in High School. But I don't really know what to do. I'm looking for something that would be either easy to pick up, or something that my size won't make it too hard. I'm 5'2 and weigh about 105. I'm not very muscular, pretty thin actually. Just some stuff that might give you an idea of my physical state:
Push ups till quit: 18
Sit ups in a minute: 21
Pull ups till quit: 3

So yeah... I just kind of did those now.
So what do you guys think. What sports would suite me? And what are the easiest? I was thinking about wrestling because it's divided by size. I was also thinking of XC and Crew. (All of which I would have to get in shape to do.
5'2 and 105 is a perfectly fine weight for that height. I could understand if I was maybe 5'8 and 105... But I'm not.