I think I'm a republican?


May 12, 2008
so I do side with republicans on economic policy most of the time, more in republican theory than in practice. But I disagree with just about everything else they do.

1. I don't like how they deceive people with religion (they totally buy the whole right wing christian vote, but c'mon, you can tell none of them really believe it, they're just deceiving all these helpless stupid people)

2. I can't have any respect for someone who doesn't believe in science like its santa clause. (c'mon creationism, global warming, its a bit ridiculous, but I guess they just don't seem to respect evidence); and what's yet more maddening is the fact that people of that mindset don't seem to have a problem with the rest of scientific theory which has yielded our society the great things we have (cell phones, internet, satellites, medical science)


I'm a bit lost, because then I'm left with no one to vote for
i know, it is soo crazy, I feel alienated from america, i still love the country, but these religious fundamentalists right wingers really honestly scare me. I'm beginning to think I don't belong here anymore, its just going down the tubes.

I'm not to familiar with the political systems in europe, but I might have to check it out.
I guess you would fit better with the kind of right wing we have in Europe.

It is only the US right wing which has become so alienated on issues like science, religion, etc.

Long story short - I believe in doing the right think (better society for everyone like the left) - however I believe in doing it on a fair and efficient basis (so without the wasteful approaches).
You can either stay independent, register GOP and vote in their primaries..

OR you can register Libertarian which is something I think you might like more.

Check out the libertarian party it might be a good fit for you.

I to share the same problem. I like the GOP Economic policy but I do not entirely support their religious aspects. I remain registered GOP so I can vote in the primaries and support people who have Economic policies that I like and less religious influence then people such as Romney.
Welcome to my world.

The Republican party has been hijacked, and those of us left behind are with no candidate-actually no party.
In the coming election it will be like so many. It won't be who you vote for it will be who you vote against. by the way, my invisible superhero can beat up their invisible super hero.
You are an independent thinker, good for you. That may make you not a rep. or dem. but an ind. independent. You are not a sheep that follows blindly where the herd goes.
You are going through a phase called "thinking" which is very rare since that task is done for others by lobbyists. Once that curtain is lifted you become objective and in the end you will not be a Republican. There are exceptions though and that is if you are very rich then it is quite logical that you are.