I think I have an infection in my finger, what should I do?


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Last night I accidentally nicked myself with a knife near the knuckle of my index finger on my right hand. It was a very very small cut so I left it alone. After a minute or so I looked at it and saw that a small puddle of blood had formed, which I thought was strange because it was such a small nick and I wasn't expecting it to bleed at all.

I washed my knuckle off with cold water and put pressure on it with a tissue until I was confident that it would stop bleeding. Then I just left it alone (in hindsight, I probably should have put neosporin on it with a bandage). Anyway, I went to bed after that.

I woke up this morning and noticed that bending my right index finger produced a sharp pain in my knuckle near where I had nicked myself the previous night. The area around the cut is sore to the touch, but there is only a little reddening around the cut itself.

I'm guessing this is just some kind of infection due to my failure to apply neosporin immediately after nicking myself. What could I do to help it at this point? Would it help to take an anti-inflammatory like an Advil?