I started chatting to this guy online and met him 6 months later, now he's


New member
Jul 15, 2008
blanking me? Any help?? :(? We spent 3 days together and when he left he messaged me saying he'd had a great time and so did I.
I told him that I didn't think I'd like him as much as I do and he agreed and said he'd like to see what happened and since then he hasn't bothered getting in touch I've sent messages and tried calling but he hasn't replied... He lives 5 hours away from me and I work 6 days a week
Am I over reacting or is it his way of saying bye without saying it???
Need help
He could have genuine reasons for not contacting you...but I doubt it. He probably was not that keen or interested in you...for some reason.
It is also doubtful that you will ever know why.
Are you unattractive? My first guess would have been that he didn't know what you looked like and when he did he just played along until he could ditch you.

Second guess is that he just wanted to "hit it and quit it."

You really haven't given us much information though so other than assumptions it's not like I can make a very good guess.