I see recipes and such for tea, as well as other methods of ingestion, how...


New member
Mar 14, 2013
...much kratom is safely chewed? I know that you can make tea (as long as it is not too hot, which I understand would kill active alkaloids)

There are kind of two parts to this question.

I have made tea, but how much leaf can be chewed and consumed without upsetting the stomach, but still having an effect (if this is even possible without being more immune to its bad effects on the body; I do not plan on achieving that tolerance AT ALL as I do understand it to be addicting with excessive use)?

The second question is: tea extracts the alkaloids, but probably not all of them right? So leaves post-simmering-in-tea can add some of an effect?

I'm sorry I can't answer about kratom, but have you tried Chamomile tea with cinnamon? I have found that it works for me. Also ginger tea can help deal with any nausea you have too.
I'm sorry I can't answer about kratom, but have you tried Chamomile tea with cinnamon? I have found that it works for me. Also ginger tea can help deal with any nausea you have too.