I really hate PDA. But my girl insists on it! What do I do?


Jun 4, 2008
I’m bi and I know my girlfriend really loves me. And she always wants to show it by making out or holding hands in public. I’m fine with people knowing I’m bi but I reaaaaly don’t want every one to see it. I’m just being considerate for others.
Personally I love to see PDA to about the same degree that I hate to see violence and nastiness. Honestly can't see why anyone would object to it.
PDA is fine when from the right place. like if your gf is just doing it to show off then tell her it makes you uncomfortable but if you are in love with someone then its understandable if they can't help but kiss you and hold you. Why refrain the urge juts because your in public? do you really want to make your gf wait till you get home just to touch you? who cares about the people around you. if they dont like what they see they dont have to look!
Well as long as you are not making out in front of everybody then its okay, but like a kiss on the lips or a hug or whatever thats not that bad.
If she really loves you then you should tell her how you feel and she would understand.
You said on the other that she always wants to do homework instead of making out. Now it's the opposite I guess. Thats the problem with imaginary GFs they can never stay consistent.
I DON'T LIKE PDA... i don't like it from straights, gays, or any combination you can think of!

tacky, tacky, tacky... and don't get me going on hickey's either! ;-p