I popped both of my right side tires on my BMW then continued to drive?


New member
Mar 29, 2011
on them for about half a mile to my house because I didn't have a spare (and obviously not two)

It's in the shop getting fixed now but I just spoke with the guy and he said he's gonna check the suspension to see if it got messed up.

How long do you have to drive on two busted tires before you destroy your suspension? Is it expensive to fix?
Edit : Forgot to ask, is there a chance that it'll be fine? The car guy didn't sound too concerned but I'm very worried for my car since I don't have that much money to fix it.

I should also note that the car sat in the driveway for two weeks without being fixed or jacked up and the tires were pretty much shredded. The car leaned to one side for that time period but obviously most of the tire was off the rims so it was just sitting on the rims