I overhears co-workers gossiping about my "tacky" fashion sense... help!?


New member
Nov 4, 2008
I am a 21 yo Caucasian female with light skin, brown hair and brown eyes. I am a good weight, and try to eat healthy - but I sometimes snack on rubbish when I want a treat.

So, I overrheard some girls at work discussing my fashion sense and one said, "I would normally consider her fashion quite tacky, but she seems to pull it off with an air of chic. I think I'm jealous". What do you make of her comment, and what do you think of my fashion sense?

Hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun, with a few wispy sections around her face. Eyeliner, a cream eyeshadow, mascara, blush and foundation. Pink nail varnish. Gold earrings, a gold necklace, gold rings. Fitted jeans and fitted tops, sometimes zip-up hoodies in Winter.

Am I tacky? I am really worried by these comments.
* wispy sections around my face.
Depends on where you work. Think of how your boss would like you and your coworkers to dress around your workplace. Is there a uniform code for your work? The jeans and hoodies wouldn't be something I would consider for a professional office job.
It sounds like they could be jealous of your figure--which is not unusual for women to talk about, especially if they don't have a good one, but your clothing sounds very unprofessional for most office settings. (It sounds fine for off-the-job wear.)

If you work in a pizza shop, teen clothing store, convenience store, etc. where the clothing can be casual that is one thing, but fitted jeans and tops do not in an office belong.

Business attire usually dictates no more than one finger on each hand with rings as well. If you look like a belly dancer with rings on every finger, in addition to the clothes, I would say the look is definitely leaning towards unprofessional--at least in an office/business setting.

You sound like a lovely person, and the fact that these comments bother you indicate that you are anything but tacky. If I were you, I might go to the boss in confidence and say that I had overheard some coworkers (do not mention names) discussing your work attire, and that you are concerned you might not be reflecting the correct image, and then ask the boss how he/she expects you to dress for the job.

That way, you'll hear it directly from the top, and the boss may be pleased that you cared enough to ask, and it may give the boss the opportunity to address the issue with the entire staff, by perhaps posting a company-wide policy, clarifying what the guidelines are.

Who knows, you might even be thanked by the boss!