I need some revenge plot ideas please. c:?


May 14, 2008
I am writing a story about this man and his love. His name is Bryson and he loves Serenity more than life itself blah blah blah, so anyways Bryce disappeared for awhile and some men came after Serenity wanting to capture her. She didn't understand why, she just knew it was Bryce they wanted revenge on. Her and Bryce meet up again and he tells her what happened five years ago. Bryce's best friend Thomas met this girl named Malaya and ended up being together for three years. Malaya turns to Bryce for help because Thomas had been beating her for the past year and a half. Bryce Turns to Thomas to question him, they end up fighting, Malaya shows up and Thomas makes her wear his engagement ring he had bought her the previous night. This ring isn't just any ring. It's the world's first all cut diamond, 150 carat diamond ring. He used his mother's 70 million dollars she inherited from his father to buy it. After she puts it on he starts beating her, laughing at Bryce's horrific expression, Bryce grabs Thomas' gun sitting on the table and demands him to stop. Thomas keeps laughing, Malaya sees Bryce is about to pull the trigger and jumps in front of Thomas. Even though he beat her, her love for him was everlasting. Thomas believes Bryce killed her on purpose, so now he wants revenge. Bryce also stole the 70 million dollar ring and wants it back. He swore to Bryce he would kill everybody he loves and then kill him. I want him to take his revenge out on Serenity, kidnap her.

My question. What kind of revenge can he use on Serenity? What can he do to her? I would say torture, but that's the most used revenge, i want it to be unique. Can anybody help me please?
I'm probably sure that my idea isn't 100% original...but Thomas could probably threaten serenity to be his girlfriend/wife/lover or else he would kill Bryce and then when Bryce sees them together he would....
How about Thomas kidnaps Serenity and then brainwashes her to believe that she loves Thomas and hates Bryce. that way in the end she can be holding a gun on Bryce ready to shoot him and suddenly remember everything, but she doesn't say she remembers lets Bryce go and then she goes and finds Thomas and in a fit of rage kills him... Bryce suspects something is wrong he goes and finds Serenity and they bury Thomas next to malaya and then they go walking on the beach and Bryce throws the fancy ring as far as he can into the ocean and then the happy couple walks off into the sunset happily ever after. if you want to make a sequel maybe Serenity is pregnant but is it Bryce's child...or is Thomas the father?