i need some help with muscle gaining and fitness, please help?


May 8, 2008
okay so alittle back ground of me, im a 22 year old man, 5'6 and im just tired of having this disappointing body i have to drag around on a day to day bases, im only 138 in terms of how much i weight, i have a some what big gut with man boobs, and i just recently started to do something good for me about 3 days ago, i see all these people on youtube changing their body in 6 months or so, and other taking as much as a year, here's where im at right now, a few days ago i could barely do one push, now with very slow progress i can do 2 full push ups and the rest half of push ups, my sit ups always came easy to me as im sure it does every one, im doing 15 reps 2 sets a day of each push up and sit up, when i wake up and before going to sleep, i do sit ups one day and push ups the next, i've recently changed my diet as well for he best 3 days, eatting nothing but veggies, fruits chicken breast and water, so as you can see im not making that much of progress and don't really know alot of what to do,...i don't wanna go to the gym cause im worried of the thoughts of other up class fitness people, and really i'de rather work my self out rather then use a machine....if there's any advise you could give please i loved to hear
dedication, dedication, dedication. work on it. run, jump, move around. just watch you food intake compared to your exercise/outtake.