I need help regarding a graphics card for LoL.?


Jul 28, 2008
Lately i've been looking into Graphics Cards for my computer, due to low FPS while playing LoL.

My friend said mine sucks and that Intel sucks, and he said get a Nvidia.

I went to http://www.nvidia.com but I just don't know which one to get...

I'm a total idiot when it comes to computers so can someone help?

My price range is 125$ or less and my computer's power supply is 520 Watts.

I'm looking for something that will let me play League of Legends at full graphics with no lag and high FPS.

What do you recommend?
If it is a desktop I would refer you to newegg.com as they avidly have discounts and sales and VideoCardBenchmark.net to check the rating on what you are buying.

**UPDATE** This May be your best bet: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130857
For $125 or less, the best cards are the nvidia GTX 650 and the Radeon HD 7770, with the HD 7770 being the faster of the two.

Either card will let you play LoL using the highest in-game settings.