I need help finding a book series that I read in high school.?


May 19, 2008
I can't remember that title of a book series that I read in high school. Here is the info that I do remember. It was about a girl, I believe her name is Mallory (I may be wrong about that) She lives with her mom and her little sister, She was born at midnight and has an R shaped birthmark on her hand, She starts having dreams about a man, Revell or Ruval (something like that) Whenever he is near, her birthmark tingles. Her mother remarries, moving her sister and her into a manison. Once she is living there, more weird stuff starts to happen. Revell becomes stronger, making it able for him to become part of reality. He wants Mallory to join him, but she refuses. It comes out in the last book that he has targeted the woman in her family for a long time, when she refuses him he starts to target her little sister, trying to goad Mallory into making the choice to be with him. I sure hope someone can help me find these books. I believe that there are three books in the series. The first one had the word Midnight in the title, I believe