I need grammar heck in this introduction:?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
can you help me with my grammar and errors...

Thousand Splendid Suns:
“The Life of two young women”
Women in Afghanistan overcome adversity and oppression from the opposite sex everyday of their lives. They are abused in and outside the confines of their own homes. "In A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini, the struggles of women are depicted vividly. The story its based in two young afghan women, Laila and Mariam, who face and overcome many tragedies and live in a country ruined by political oppression and war. Both Mariam and Laila have endured so much heartache partially because they are women, but yet have managed to have pull together the strength to persevere. Even though Mariam and Laila are years apart by age, and come from two different life styles, they are both forced to marry Rasheed , an older man who they do not know, in order to make a living for themselves. Mariam and Laila eventually learn to cooperate as they undergo Rasheed's emotional and physical abuse, and the rules set out for women in Afghanistan. Hosseini demonstrates through the perseverance of Mariam and Laila, how the inner strength of Afghan women allows them to endure difficult situations including forced marriages, lack of educational opportunities and Taliban restrictions.
I meant CHECK
Women in Afghanistan overcome adversity and oppression from the opposite sex everyday of their lives. They are abused in and outside the confines of their own homes. "In A Thousand Splendid Suns," by Khaled Hosseini, the struggles of women are depicted vividly. The story is based in two young afghan women; Laila and Mariam, who face and overcome many tragedies. They live in a country ruined by political oppression and war. Both Mariam and Laila have endured so much heartache, partially because they are women, but yet have managed to find the strength to persevere. Mariam and Laila are years apart by age, and come from two different life styles. In order to make a living for themselves, they are forced to marry Rasheed, an older man whom they do not know. Mariam and Laila eventually learn to cooperate as they undergo Rasheed's emotional and physical abuse, as well as rules set out for women in Afghanistan. Hosseini demonstrates through the perseverance of Mariam and Laila how the inner strength of Afghan women allows them to endure difficult situations. These situations include forced marriages, lack of educational opportunities and Taliban restrictions.
Thousand Splendid Suns:
“The Life of two young women”
Women in Afghanistan overcome adversity and oppression from the opposite sex everyday of their lives, they are abused in and outside the confines of their own homes. The struggles of women are depicted vividly"In A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. The story is based on two young afghan women; Laila and Mariam, who face and overcome many tragedies within a country ruined by political oppression and war. Both Mariam and Laila have endured so much heartache partially because they are women, but yet have managed to have pull together the strength to persevere. Even though Mariam and Laila are years apart by age, and come from two different life styles, they are both forced to marry a complete stranger; Rasheed. This seems to be the only option for the two girls to make a living in this forsaken cesspit... Mariam and Laila eventually learn to cooperate as they undergo Rasheed's emotional and physical abuse, and subsequently gain somewhat in depth knowledge on the rules set out for women in Afghanistan. Hosseini demonstrates through the perseverance of Mariam and Laila, how the inner strength of Afghan women allows them to endure difficult situations, such as; forced marriages, lack of educational opportunities, and Taliban restrictions.

That's the best I could make of it mate. GL!