I need a title for this story idea.?


Mar 9, 2008
Short verison:

Paige lost everyone she ever loved and found out she is the last generation in her familys curse as the last witch alive. She also has her alter ego who is a demonic spirit who was bestowed inside her to help her in the battle.

Mason is just a normal guy who never believed in magic until one day he was saved by it. Mason has fell in love with Paige but Paige's dark secrets may question his judgement. Now gifted with gifts he never knew ran in his family he must help Paige win.

This book is a trilogy and i need a good title to show off the beginning of there fight you know? like to start the series until the last book ending there battle.

Fast answers plz and thank you. need more info let me know and I'll repost with another question.
btw i forgot the main detail srry. the curse consists of a demon wanting vengence on her family and wont stop until he has gotten what he wants. turns out the demon is her great great grandfather which explains how she is half demon. I hope this can help you think better srry i didnt add this earlier
Turning the Page

the word play works, as she is writing the ending of a long family history
and she changes personalities on occasion to cope with the fight,
and Mason is starting a new chapter of his life.
We are all stories in progress.
The Last Generation
The Witch's Curse
Witch Spell
Saved by Magic
Loved by a Witch
Witch Curse
Wrath of the Demons
A Demonic Cry
The Cursed Magic
Magical Love
Witch Magic
It kinda reminds me of the Beautiful Creatures series... alittle... just alittle...

what about...
Last Known Witch
Unknow Gifts
Love with a Twist

Hope I helped!
-Ashley Yukari Sohma
The Chosen


Dark Powers or Dark Gifts

Dark Fire

Witch's Judgment

New Beginning

The Power

Dark Secrets or Deadly Secrets

Hope I helped! :)